Career and Life Planning

Career and Life planning

Our school's Career & Life Planning initiatives offer a holistic approach to guide students from S1 to S6 in their journey of self-discovery and career exploration. The programs are designed to enhance students' self-understanding of their personality traits and interests during their junior years. In their senior years, students can gain firsthand experience of university life and workplaces, empowering them to make well-informed decisions about their future studies and career paths.


Our Careers Section plays a vital role in equipping our students with the necessary information for their future endeavors. We maintain strong relationships with relevant institutions to ensure our students have access to comprehensive resources. Through these connections, we organize various talks, visits, exhibitions, and training programs, providing our students with valuable insights and a deeper understanding of their potential career paths.


We recognize the significance of supporting students in making informed decisions about their further studies and career choices. By offering ample guidance and exposure to different industries, we strive to empower our students with the knowledge and skills required to navigate a successful future.

Activities Held